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1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.

       The iMovie assignment definitely inspires student learning and creativity. It gives children the freedom to choose a topic they will enjoy doing a project on. They can choose to do a how to video, a silly video, a video with an important topic, they can do anything.

       This project also gives them the knowledge on how to work another computer program. We live in a technological society and the more they know about computers the better. They need to learn how to use technology to their advantage. It isn't only good for video games and applications, there is a bigger purpose to it. They should know how to use it to express their creativity and expand their imaginations.


      Evaluating websites is an important skill for students. This will allow them to figure out what is a reliable website and what is not. As children get older they will be exposed to more and more of the internet. Knowing how to discover what information is factual is an important skill not only to find the answers for everyday questions, but for school. Everyday, we as college students, have to use the internet to complete our school work; we write simple essays and complex research essays, complete assignments that require us to use the internet. It is an everyday occurance that we use the internet for school and trivial things. As students, we need to find accurate information that we can use. Teaching students this skill early will help them succeed in the future.


2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments.

      Using different types of technology in the classroom allows children to have digital age learning experiences. We are living in the technilogical age, and children should be exposed to all the technology they can. This will alow them to be able to use many types of technology efficiently not only in class but in the future. They won't only be able to use the technology they are exposed to in the classroom, but this will give them problem solving skills to learn how to use other technology as well.


3. Model digital age work and learning.

      The Google Maps assignment helps students get a better feel for the geological world. Giving children this knowledge will help them have a better understanding of current and past events. This assignment aligns with the ISTE standdard of modeling digital age work and learning by giving children new experiences with a different type of technology. By creating our own slide shows of different places, we have the opportunity to share we've learned with our peers. In this project, we have used multiple types of technology (both Google Maps and Microsoft PowerPoint). This type of project is important to incorporate in the classroom.


       Podcasting is an interesting way to introduce new material to your students. Making podcasts in the classroom doesn't really appeal to me as a future teacher. But using it to reinforce material and presenting information in a different way could really help your students understand what they are supposed to be learning. The more ways students see material, the more they will think about it, and the more likely to remember it. This is a new way technology can be affective in the classroom and help students to learn.


4. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.


5. Engage in professional growth and leadership.

    In this day and age, everything we see in the media there is a question of whether or not the images are real or altered. Children don't understand this fact. By allowing children to learn how to use photoshop, they can realize that not everything they see is reality.

       Using this type of project in the classroom demonstrates to children how easy it is to alter an image. Children need to realize this at an early age before it affects who they will become. They need to know not all that they see in the media is real, and they shouldn't let it affect their self-image.The media has a dramatic affect on how pre-teens and teenagers see their bodies and having kids realize that the people portrayed in magazines and on TV might not actually look like that.

         Showing children this will hopefully keep them from viewing those in the media as their ideal role models for their own bodies and help them model their own confidence about themselves to their peers.

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